You may ask yourself, why Dionysus? Wasn't he a drunk? Is this going to be some blog about drunkenness and debauchery? To answer your questions:
Dionysus is the Greek god of wine, agriculture, and fertility of nature, he is also the patron god of the Greek stage. (He was also known as Bacchus by the Romans). Why identify with him? because I am an actress, I love the theatre, I love wine (in moderation), food - whether I'm cooking or eating out, travel and generally the finer things in life. Children (we hope) learn from their parents mistakes and honor the family traditions.... that is not to say I don't make mistakes quite frequently and certainly I've had an occasional night of drunkenness, and I'll admit maybe a night or two ... or more... of debauchery... and if I'm honest, I will probably do it again. So what is this Blog about? theatre, food, travel and other general adventures.
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