It's often hard to know when you are making the right choice. Even when it comes to parking. Mom and I were reflecting on that earlier today. You see a spot and park and then as you are walking towards you see a better one, closer. Life is so often like that. We make choices based on the information we have available to us at the time. Sometimes we realize we had better options but we've already committed.
I'm working on a longer fun post about cheese but it's 11:30 and I'm only 3 cheeses in and it's going to take me a while. but within that coming post I also reflect on choices. I was working at a job that I liked with a boss I loved and left to go pursue my dreams of being an actor. What would have happened if I had stayed? Who knows. I made the choice. I realize I posted on Instagram (give me a follow if you've not already), but not on here. Yesterday that I left my job at TJ Maxx. My physical pain was just too bad. I know leaving was the right choice. My body already feels better. I've never left a job without giving two weeks before, but I know I was endangering my physical and metal wellbeing by staying. And my focus now is health. My amazing friend Francisco contacted me shortly afterwards to join him at the gym and I had some therapeutic time in the hot tub and pool and that helped my joints and muscles immensely. So now I'm unemployed again. I know the right answer will present itself. I've applied for several things today and have a couple interviews lined up already for Monday. I'm going to try to look into Voice Over work and copywriting/freelance writing to supplement my income. It will be ok. Today I wandered a farmers market and garden nursery with my Mom, took a nap and planted some things in the garden it was just the therapy I needed. (I also applied for 6 jobs).
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